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8 imagesI talk about being interested in wildflowers, but who can resist the loveliness of a rose? Not I.
3 imagesWe had a ten-inch snow on Christmas Eve of 2002, and my sister met me as soon as I made it home through the falling snow. She dragged me off with my brand new Nikon D100 so I could catch a location she knew on Jones Creek. On Christmas day the snow was deeper, but the creek was frozen over so the reflections were gone. We took the only opportunity and caught these images, which are still some of my favorites.
8 imagesThis gallery was made for a client who wanted a caterpillar picture and needed to decide on an adult Monarch butterfly photo to go with it, hence the specific framing options.
17 imagesThe Great American Solar Eclipse was Monday, August 21, 2017. My family went to Richmond, Missouri, and after a cloudy start had a gorgeous view. Many thanks to our friends who invited us for a marvelous day.
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